Exploring the birds

New and revised edition of Victorian Bird Walks – November 2024

Revised edition with new covers, extra overview maps and 16 new walks/bike rides. There are more than 50 places to visit with detailed maps and commentary on the walks and the birds. Improved overview maps have been included to assist with finding nearby routes.

As a keen birder and cyclist I like to combine my birding with explorations of different places, both by walking and cycling. This site is aimed at sharing my travels – and of course the birds.

These routes are not necessarily overly long or arduous (although a few are). My aim is always to enjoy some exercise, experience new places and see as many birds as I can.

My two books cover more than 80 walks and the Rail Trails web resource will eventually cover a similar number. These rail trails are available electronically via your phone for ease of use in the field.

My Birding the Rail Trails project is an ongoing exploration and will be updated regularly as I extend my travels. The aim is not to detail all rail trails – that has been done very well by Rail Trails Australia – but rather to identify the best birding sections of the trails as well as to add diversions off the trails to discover more birds. Consider my efforts as an extension and complement to the above resource.

My two books of bird walks:

Castlemaine Bird Walks and Victorian Bird Walks

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